The Girl's Complete Guide
- Backpacking, Backpacking Guidance, Best of 2016, California, Hiking, Hiking Guidance, Locations, My Favorite Trail in the Sierra, Other Adventures, The Girl's Complete Guide
A Guide to my Favorite Trail in the Sierra
If you are going to go on one backpacking trip in your life, might I suggest the following trail. As I said in my post yesterday, it is one of the most beautiful…
- Backpacking, Backpacking Stories, Best of 2016, Hiking, Hiking Stories, My Favorite Trail in the Sierra, The Girl's Complete Guide
A Backpacking Trip Like No Other
The most beautiful and awe-inspiring places are, without fail, the hardest to write about on this blog. Nothing I say can do them justice. I end up sputtering out phrases like “it was…
Backpacking vs. Day Hiking: Which is Better?
I’m excited that this week I will finally be sharing my recent backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevada mountains here on this blog. Per suggestion of my husband, who was new to backpacking…
A Girl’s Guide to Dove Hunting: What to Wear
The fun part of outdoor guidance for me, aside from the beautiful places I get to go, is always the fashion. Call me superficial, but I like gear! And gear matters when it…
A Girl’s Guide to Dove Hunting: the Basics
Dove season is around the corner and in case you were curious about joining in the fun, here is a basic guide to dove hunting in Texas! It’s possible you may find yourself…
How to Go Hunting if You Don’t Have a Ranch
Over the last few years, a major food trend has been towards local, organic meats and vegetables. I think it’s great people are becoming more curious about where their food comes from and…
6 Things to Always Pack in Your Day Pack
This post is part of my Girl’s Guide to Day Hiking, which I hope inspires you to head to a nearby trail and enjoy the great outdoors! Lesson 1: Why Hiking is the…
What to Wear on a Day Hike
Day hiking is one of my favorite ways to work out and experience the outdoors. If you haven’t already seen my post, Why Hiking is the Best Hobby, I encourage you to check it…
Where to Go Skeet Shooting in Texas & Across the US
In keeping with the skeet shooting theme this week on the blog, today I’m sharing popular gun clubs in Texas and around the US. I’ve based this off of the areas where most…
- 101 The Basics, Shooting Sports, Shooting Sports Guidance, Skeet Shooting, The Girl's Complete Guide
Three Types of Shotgun Sports You Should Know
If there is one thing I have observed over the years, it is that many women secretly want to learn to shoot a shotgun — and when they do finally get the chance,…