Where to Learn About Guns: A Texas Girl’s Gun Shop!
Today I am featuring woman-owned and operated gun shop, A Texas Girl’s Guns near Austin and hosting a giveaway for those of you subscribed to my e-newsletter! Sign up by midnight tonight (4/11) for daily and weekly updates to qualify! http://eepurl.com/bRkkkj
I love target shooting, and while I know several women who are into the sport, it’s still an activity dominated by men. There are a number of reasons we lady folk don’t readily try shooting, from the intimidating feeling of walking into a gun shop to lack of someone to teach us properly. Even though I’ve been shooting for the majority of my life, I’ve been asked at gun stores, “Is this your husband’s gun, sweetheart?” if not completely ignored. It takes self control to keep from saying, “Well, why don’t we go out to the gun range, and you will find out exactly who’s gun it is mister!” (Actually, I think I may have said that once…)
So, you can imagine I was thrilled when I discovered A Texas Girl’s Guns in Liberty Hill, just north of my hood in Austin. A Texas Girl’s Guns is owned and operated by Texan and self-taught gun expert, Judith Baker. I had a positive experience there and would recommend that any woman looking to learn about or purchase guns to see Judith. I’m a “long gun” shooter, meaning I shoot rifles and shotguns, but after visiting her store I felt more knowledgeable about the process for becoming a pistol shooter and where to turn if I ever needed help with my guns.
And she never once smirked at my questions.
All of the guns I own have been selected for me by someone else. My grandfather picked out my hunting rifle, my skeet coach picked out my shotgun, and so on. And they have all been great guns. But the next time I get a gun, it will be my first time ever to pick it out, and I want to feel like I’m making an educated decision. Thanks to my experience with Judith, I feel far more ready to do that.
Although when I saw the gun below I was ready to base my purchase entirely on appearance. 🙂 Oops.
“I started my shop to teach people. We are teachers first; a gun shop second,” Judith told me during my visit. In fact, when she started her business, the majority of her store was a classroom. Judith teaches classes about pistol marksmanship, hunter education, how to clean firearms, as well as a Concealed Handgun License class. She will even take you out to the range so you can try out different guns.
I liked learning that Judith didn’t grow up shooting. “I didn’t learn to shoot until I was in my adult age, which is proof anyone can become a shooter!” she shared. See, ladies, it can happen to anyone.
The first class she recommends taking is her Pistol Marksmanship course. She wrote the curriculum and likes to keep things humorous and fun. “Plenty of people in my class have never shot a pistol before,” she said. They come to learn about calibers, what to look for when purchasing a gun, how to carry a gun on your person for home defense and self defense, and of course, the fun part–to do some shooting.
What’s her one golden nugget of advice? “Firearms aren’t cheap. Get proper training before you purchase one.” The idea that you could pick out a handgun that is comfortable to you, fits your hand, and that you like more than others was a new concept for me. I didn’t know there was that much of a difference among pistols. “It’s like shoes…what works for you may not work for me,” Judith explained. Ah! Now it is all clear.
She said the concealed handgun license course offered at other stores only teaches you what you need to know to get a license. Hence the need for her Pistol Marksmanship class if you really want to know how to operate a gun.
In classic female fashion, Judith has an eye for good quality. She’s less a shop keeper, more like a curator of guns and gun-things. All of her items are hand picked and she can speak to each one–what it’s for, how to use it, if you need it–so you make an educated decision.
Even when it comes to your lace thigh high holster.
I don’t know, do I really need this?
She has some fun accessories you wouldn’t find at a normal gun shop. How about these beautiful deerskin gloves? I can see myself on a gun range with these, holding an antique pistol…or horseback at Paws Up in Montana. I love the tan ones too.
Or this cuff?
While I was there, a new customer ogled at her selection of ammo and promised to return with his wife. Another customer told me, “I don’t shop anywhere else. Judith has the best stuff.”
By the way, I asked one of these gentlemen to take our picture. “Um, sir? You don’t mind doing a little photo shoot of Judith and I at the gun counter, do you?” That is something he probably has never been asked at a gun shop, if I had to bet.
The highlight of her high end products, other than the guns, was the line of concealed carry purses with zippered pockets designed to conceal firearms.
“Every woman who carries a purse should have a concealed carry purse,” Judith said. Once I spotted this orange faux croc-skin bag, I was easily convinced. How pretty is this!
Imagine a scarf tied around the handle. I don’t even have a handgun, but I NEED this purse.
Any guess as to where the guns go?
Thanks to Judith, I think I may have a budding handgun interest, but it’s too early to tell. I have to take her Pistol Marksmanship class first. Who wants to take it with me? I hope I see you there and that you feel empowered to try your hand at shooting.
Ps. Judith’s 40th wedding anniversary is TODAY! Happy Anniversary Judith!
Plan Your Visit
- Website: www.ATexasGirlsGuns.com
- Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 12-6; Saturday and Sunday 10-6. Judith is in Tuesday to Thursday and teaches on Saturdays.
- Classes: on the website here.
- Location: 13740 West Hwy 29, Suite 6, Liberty Hill, TX 76842
- Phone: 512-778-6677

One Comment
That concealed carry handbag is adorable! And I love Judith’s solid advice on finding the perfect gun for your fit before you purchase one!