Two Years
Today is my husband and my 2nd anniversary. Woo hoo! Two whole years. I look at people who have been married 25 years or more and think we’re in Kindergarten compared to them. But yay, kindergarten is fun. Time has gone by a lot slower than I thought it would, and I am glad. We have done so much—lots of travel, camping trips, dates, and even all six Star Wars movies and seven Harry Potter books. Brandon is wonderful, and for some reason he has chosen to settle down with me. Weird, Harry Potter loving moi. I’m okay with it and am not going to question him too much….but sometimes I do ponder my luck.
I didn’t sleep very much after our first, second, third, and possibly fourth dates. I was too excited, and felt like I had the entire North American population of butterflies in my stomach. All my friends had said, “when you know, you know” and finally, I knew what they meant.
He keeps granola bars in his car to give to the homeless, does the dishes without being asked, and brings me coffee in bed every morning. He lets us listen to Adele when he would probably rather listen to Metallica. He goes with me to get sushi even though he would rather eat just about anything else, and would give me the last bite of his Torchy’s taco if I asked. But I try not to ask. He calls me on his way home from work just to chat, even though he’s going to see me in 15 minutes anyways. And he doesn’t celebrate when he scores against me in tennis…but celebrates with me when I score against him. (I may or may not say “BOO YAH” and dance on occasion.)
He took a selfie at the altar on our wedding day…
…to the surprise and amusement of everyone there, including me.
He sends me selfies in his waders because he knows I will like it!
He tolerates the high rank my dog holds in this house…
He can’t take a picture in the sun…
He takes me to the theater…
He surprises me with flowers…
He has a HILARIOUS sense of humor…
And of course, he is an awesome Instagram Husband! (<— If you haven’t seen this, you seriously need to watch it.)
In short, he’s the best.
Happy anniversary sweetie! I love ya!

I’m a lucky guy to be married to you!
Happy Anniversary! You better call me next time you are in San Antonio. We need to catch up!
Happy happy anniversary!!!
It was love at first sight, seeing it from his end. It still makes me smile and happy you both have each other.