Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup S’mores, y’all!
The second installment in Advanced S’More Making.
Attention chocoholics, peanut butter lovers, and sweet treat aficionados: this recipe is for you.
While I still feel loyal to the original s’more with plain graham crackers and Hersheys chocolate, these chocolate peanut butter cup ones slay me. Everything I love, wrapped up in one gooey, delicious and chocolatey package. Sigh.
So delicious…
- Chocolate graham crackers
- Marshmallows
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Break the graham crackers into squares.
Place one peanut butter cup on half of the graham crackers.
Roast your mallow. (I liked mine melted on the inside and burned on the outside, how about you?)
By the way how perfect is this coal oven we created?
While your marshmallow is roasting, set your graham cracker and peanut butter cup near the fire so the peanut butter cup can start to melt. I use this s’more grilling rack from Amazon.
Slide the marshmallow off the stick using the top and bottom graham cracker/peanut butter cup layers as guides.
If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Try these on your next glamping trip and you’re guaranteed to get an “ohmahgah sho goob!” or some other illegible praise from someone with their mouth full. It’s a sign of love.
(For more Advanced S’More Making, see also Nutella and Strawberry S’Mores.)
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