Nutella and Strawberry S’mores…OMG
S’mores are one of my favorite sweet treats of all time. The taste of roasted sugar in an oozing marshmallow, the straightforward simplicity of milk chocolate, the crunch of a graham cracker, and the sound of a crackling campfire combine to form ultimate dessert perfection.
They say If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But over Valentine’s Day, I tampered with the sacred s’more.
Brandon and I were camping at Colorado bend as our “romantic Valentine’s Day getaway” and I was looking to make the weekend special, so I looked no further than Nutella.
Why not try spreading Nutella on the graham cracker instead of Hershey’s? I thought. And add strawberries as a nod to a traditional Valentines day fruit?
It worked. They were heavenly. I probably had Nutella on my face that night but oh well. At least it’s dark around the campfire.
Here’s how to make them.
What You’ll Need
- One box of graham crackers
- One bag of marshmallows
- One jar of Nutella
- A dull knife (for spreading)
- Sliced strawberries
- Long sticks or skewers (I recommend these telescoping skewers from the camping section Academy – under $5 ea)
NOTE: Before you leave, slice the strawberries and put in Ziploc bag.
Break the graham cracker in half
Liberally spread Nutella on the graham cracker. When you think you have enough, add more.
Press sliced strawberries into the Nutella
Roast a marshmallow over the campfire to your version of perfection. What qualifies as the perfectly roasted marshmallow is a hotly contested issue. (Get it, hotly contested?)
Rest the marshmallow on the Nutella-covered graham cracker
Using the other half of the graham cracker, guide the melty mallow off the stick.
Press down gently and enjoy!
Relish in the deliciousness that is Nutella and strawberry s’mores, and see if it doesn’t add a romantic twist to your evening by the campfire.
I’m drooling, how about you?

Such a delicious idea!!
Catching up on my Whit’s wilderness, and wanting nutella s’mores instead of my oatmeal…
nice photos, too!
Yes nutella is much better than oatmeal!! Thanks for reading. 🙂