Kindred Spirits
This year I have had the privilege of mentoring one of the George W. Bush Institute Women’s Initiative Fellows. Meet Insaf! Insaf is one of fourteen women from Tunisia, a small country on Africa’s northern coast,…
Beach Bums (of the Fluffy Variety)
My corgi Trooper loves the beach. He is a beach bum of the fluffiest variety. To him the beach means three things: Waves to bark at. 2. Birds to bark at. 3. Water…
Man Crush Monday
Shocker, my man crush Monday is my husband! This is not news necessarily, but I’m giving him a shout out today because of this picture. It just belongs on this blog. Brandon went hunting…
3 Reasons Why Being Outdoors Will Enrich Your Life
When I tell people I go camping, I often get a look that says, WHAT?! Why?! I’m sure horrific images of spiders attacking them in their sleep come to mind and I try to…
Dear Wisconsin…
As you all know, I went to Wisconsin last weekend for some farm touring (hi, welcome to my life) and found Wisconsin to be incredibly pleasing to the eye. Wisconsin was just…
A Day at Leopold’s Farm
I don’t know but I’ve been told… about a man named Leopold, Wrote an ethic for the land, Taught us how to understand. I just got back from a pilgrimage to Aldo Leopold’s farm…
Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Dove
This is one of the most fundamental wild game recipes in existence, and hardly needs explanation. However, leaving it off this blog would be like writing about art and not acknowledging the statue of…
Dove Diary: Opening Weekend!
I just finished a dinner of bacon-wrapped dove, and while I sit here in this food-induced euphoric state, I thought I’d tell you a little bit about our dove hunting experience down on the farm this…
Shooting Skeet and Taking Names
It was a busy weekend around the Klenzendorf household. We: Bought ammunition and hunting/fishing licenses Watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Priorities.) Cleaned the house Shot skeet Played water volleyball Drove…
Sitting Here Reminiscing
In honor of dove season, which opens this week, I’m reminiscing about a pleasant evening hunting dove in South Texas last season. The sun was setting and though it was hot, there was a…