Hiking Stories
Life with an Engineer, Volume 2
A few months ago I wrote the post Life with an Engineer, describing life as the wife of a critical thinking, logical, and analytical engineer. I heard “I know what you mean!” and “My husband is…
Holly Reports on Her Grand Canyon Adventure
In honor of her birthday, and in honor of the great outdoors, today I’m interviewing my dear friend Holly about her recent trip to the Grand Canyon. Before we start, I want to…
Ranger Grace Teaches Us a Thing or Two
This summer my niece Grace became a National Park Service Junior Ranger! As her outdoor-loving aunt, and a former Junior Ranger myself, I couldn’t have been prouder. The park service must have a…
Fooling the Unfoolable
Confession: I love a good prank. Outside of Christmas and the 4th of July, April Fool’s day may be my favorite holiday. My only hangup is that I am a terrible liar. My…
Brunch, Besties, and Batteries to Bluffs Trail
This weekend I went to visit Holly, one of my best girlfriends, in San Francisco. Holly and I go back; we met in Washington, DC after college while both living big city life…
- Central Texas, Clean Restrooms, Glamping, Glamping Guidance, Glamping Stories, Hiking, Hiking Stories, Hill Country, Locations, State Parks
Review: Pedernales Falls, Y’all!
One evening a couple of years ago I was listening to Carter Smith, the head of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, speak at an event. He was asked in the Q&A what his favorite…
Two Tired Puppies
These puppies are tired. Just look at those droopy eyes. They had a very big day of hiking at Pedernales Falls Saturday. There was always a new dog on the trail to sniff,…
Trail Review of Colorado Bend State Park
Saturday morning of Valentine’s Day started full of possibilities. We were finally warm again, after freezing all night in our tent, and we were feasting on a breakfast of Dutch oven cinnamon rolls. …
Our Little Family
It’s only March, but I think I’ve landed on our Christmas card for this year. I also considered this one… But that would leave out Trooper, which wouldn’t accurately reflect the significant role…
What I loved about Colorado Bend State Park
I know some women think the last thing they want to do for romance is camp outdoors. The prospect of bugs and sleeping bags as opposed to nice sheets may indeed be a…