Lazy Day on the River
My house needs to be cleaned, I need to exercise, and I should probably read and expand my vocabulary, but I spent last Saturday in a chair in the Guadalupe river. Because what is summer without a lazy day on the river?
Brandon and I headed out to the Canyon Lake area, and we were joined by several of our Austin friends. Left to right: Lane, Eric (in Baylor gold and green), Blake, Erin, Becky, Mike, Shana (in the fabulous hat), Aaricka, and finally Brandon.
If you look closely, you can see Becky is holding a chocolate pie.
Most manners are thrown out the window when you spend all day on the river with someone. That day was no different. Everyone grabbed a plastic fork and passed the pie around, eating straight out of the pan.
My friends Shana and Mike had never met the rest of the group, but this is how I knew they would fit in: they actually were the ones who brought the pie down to the river. Hi, I’m Shana. Want some pie?
They can stay.
We have a history of doing this. Last time we passed around a tray of oreos. What will it be next time? Please feel free to make suggestions.
We also discussed important world issues. We analyzed climate change, zero waste, whether Adnan killed Hae (from Serial), and whether the Chris Farley documentary would be good. (We decided that yes, it would.)
Shana and I also discussed the important issue of hats, agreeing that they are completely underrated and need to make a comeback. Who’s with us?
Brandon got some fishing in too.
Over the past couple of years, my husband’s interest in fishing has really taken root. Whenever we go to a body of water, he packs the fishing poles and waders. (I pack food and a chair.)(We have our priorities.) When he caught a trout last summer during his first attempt at fly fishing, his face lit up. He was hooked. (Pun!)
I completely support him in his fishing endeavors. Most of the time, it means we get to enjoy pretty water, and one day, when we have time, fish for dinner.
This weekend, Brandon had some luck on the river. He was dragging his line in the water as he walked upstream to find a new fishing hole, when he heard his line take off behind him.
I heard him holler, “Whit, I got something!” and turned around to see a striped bass splashing its way towards him.
Way to go Brandon!
I must admit I was shocked, having fished this stretch of river since I was a little girl and having never caught a thing. But, I was glad to know that there actually were fish in the river…I had started to doubt it.
Catching this fish was a cherry on top of a great weekend, the icing on the cake. Or should I say, pie!
P.S. All of this excitement wore Trooper out.
This right here is the sign of a good weekend.