Giveaway: A Walk in the Woods
On the heels of my review yesterday of A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, I’m in the mood to give away a copy! One lucky winner will win a brand new paperback edition…
…that may or may not have been licked by a dog.
Fastest tongue in the West!
To enter, answer the following question in the comments by 4pm Thursday, May 18th:
What is your favorite book?
This is one of my favorite books of all time. It is a hilarious account of a Bill Bryson’s hike down the Appalachian Trail. Do you like to laugh? In reading this book, I have experienced a range of laughs–from a dainty giggle to hearty laugh in my gut to the silent laugh that involves tears. All the while, learning about the history of our national parks through Bryson’s account of them. I love!
Winner announced Friday.

Brandon K
My favorite book: Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by R.W. Hamming! Ha! #engineerjokes
Oh, sugar…#nerdalert
Picking one book is so hard for me! The book I’ve read the most is Little Women. But my favorite book would have to be Anna Karenina – I stopped reading it for two weeks when I had only 50 pages left, just so it wouldn’t end. My favorite Texas book though is Goodbye to a River. Ok I’m done!
Putting all of these on my list…heard Goodbye to a River was incredible.
Judy Bishop Jurek
Oh, gosh. There are so many but two, not just one, stand out. “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein and “A Dog’s Purpose” by W. Bruce Cameron are both about dogs and, of course, life. Keep the Kleenex close when you read “A Dog’s Purpose” – it’s told from the dog’s point of view and boy, if you have ever loved even one dog you can relate. I have not read the sequel to it but plan to soon.
I always cry in movies or books about animals! I will have to check it out.
Although I love Jack London I got to say my favorite book is Jane Eyre.
My favorite book is The Giver or The Outsiders!