Dear Wisconsin…
As you all know, I went to Wisconsin last weekend for some farm touring (hi, welcome to my life) and found Wisconsin to be incredibly pleasing to the eye.
Wisconsin was just so darn charming. It just wouldn’t quit with the red barns and domed silos.
Cute barns and silos happen to be one of my weak points.
Cheese also happens to be a weak point.
Endless rows of cornfields as a backdrop for said barns…also, a weak point.
I wasn’t the only Texan feeling the love for Wisconsin. My fellow Texans pictured here were eating up the scenery.
Heck, we got out of bed early just to go on a Wisconsin photography tour.
Then Wisconsin pulled out the big gun: baby dairy cows.
Is there anything cuter than the face of a baby dairy cow?
No there’s not. (Baby corgis excluded.) Dear Wisconsin, thanks for tugging on my heartstrings.
Wisconsin had another ringer in store for us: wildflowers along the highway.
Every roadside was decked out in these blue flowers.
Wildflowers along the highway=something we Texans love to see.
Also, just to drive home the point, this barn:
Need I say more?
We may just move here one day.
But for now, I must go home to the motherland before I see any more barns or calfs.
Dear Wisconsin, thanks for testing my loyalty to Texas…you did well.