Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Bird Life

I snapped these pictures while down on our farm over the holidays. My husband gave me a telephoto lens for Christmas and I’ve been loving everything about it. Finally I can capture the wildlife I see on our farm! And if I look like more serious photographer, I’m bound to take better photos.


This little guy is not a cardinal, despite appearances. It is a Pyrrhuloxia and is found in the Southwest and Mexico. Welcome to Texas little guy!


These dove are resting on a fenceline and thinking about their next meal. (Hint: it’s our peanut patch.)

I caught a glimpse of this hawk soaring overhead and zoomed in with my lens to find he had his next meal in his talons.


It was a songbird of some sort. Who knew they eat their own kind?


He flew around for a while showing off and trying to decide where to eat his lunch, finally alighting in a nearby mesquite.


Until he changed his mind.


Stay away, dove! It’s mine!


Ah, much better.

Meanwhile, these guys just hung out on the fence to watch the sun set and scan for bugs.


What you wanna do?

I dunno, what you wanna do?

Now don’t start that again…

Just another day in the life of a bird on our farm.